Saturday, December 14, 2013

Promotional Posters Created using only Photoshop [Extra Credit Blog Entry]

file under: possible portfolio pieces

I have been a vintage clothing collector for many years now and in the last four or five years I've had the pleasure of meeting and becoming good friends with Jenea Zeek and Sarah Sanaee. These two lovely ladies not only share my love for vintage clothing but also run their own online shop called GypsyStardust. A month or so back I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to create a couple versions of a promotional poster that would advertise their upcoming show that was to include not only a special selection of their vintage clothing collection but would also include an art show and live music. Truth be told I think it was really an opportunity to throw a cool party with these other new, up and coming artists and musicians thrown in for good measure.

I was excited to have the chance to put my Photoshop design skills to the test. The selections below are a few examples of the poster(s) I came up with for the girls and their company GypsyStardust.

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